Catalpa Corner is available for open schooling several weekends during the year. Each rider must sign a release form (Juniors must have parental or legal guardian signature) and provide it along with the $70 park use fee ($60 for current Pony Club members) to the office or a representative of the park before mounting. Riders also may pay $75 ($65 for active Pony Club members) by Paypal to
Please keep in mind that you are visiting our farm as well as our business.
These schooling days provide riders with use of the riding facilities at Catalpa Corner during hours defined by the open schooling at the park.
Park Rules and Advisories
- All riders must ride under the direction of an approved adult instructor
- Instructors must carry liability insurance that extends their coverage to schooling at Catalpa Corner
- All riders must sign a release. Minor riders must present a release signed by at least one of their parents or a legal guardian. The release can be printed out from this link: release form
- Mounted riders must wear an ASTM-approved riding helmet with chinstrap buckled, boots with heels, and cross-country vest.
- There will be no emergency medical support on grounds during an open school. Therefore it is best to be equipped with a working cell phone that will service the rural Iowa City area. In case of accident we are in a ‘911’-service area.
- Obstacles might not be marked, numbered or stuffed with greenery as at a competition, so it is important that each obstacle be inspected prior to jumping. Also check the galloping lanes and approaches to obstacles for high grass, fallen braches, etc.
- Be thoughtful and courteous to others when working at speed or when jumping multiple obstacles.
- Pay particular attention to the conditions. If it has been dry, the ground will be hard and the grass slick. If it’s been wet, there will be places where it will be slick or deep. A good practice is to inspect the course on your horse as part of your warm up routine.
- A competition imposes a ‘plan’ for you. It governs how much and what you will do with your horse. You should have a plan for your open school as well. Pay particular attention to how much you ask of your horse and yourself. Keep track of how many obstacles you’ve jumped under the conditions that exist on that particular day. Don’t get in a rush. Take breaks. Stay hydrated. Keep your horse and yourself comfortable and fresh.
- Please do not school above your skill level, and we ask that you advance only one level above your competition level, i.e., BN/N riders should NOT be jumping Preliminary questions.
- Dangerous or abusive riding is thoughtless and unacceptable and will not be tolerated at the Catalpa Corner Horse Park.